Just a note: that is a globe behind me in front of the window, not some weird extension of my belly. :-)
I am still feeling pretty good, but the third-trimester is a bit of a trial. I am going to take Chris' lead and list the good and the not so good.
The good:
- Feeling our little boy move around more and more and watching my belly morph into various shapes
- Being done with our childbirth classes and baby care class
- Still fitting into my favorite fleece
- Thinking about the fact that by next Thanksgiving we are going to have a little munchkin crawling - maybe even running? - around the house.
- Not feeling guilty about eating... anything.
- Chocolate milk - that is my latest craving. I can't explain it. I am generally lactose intolerant, but now I can guzzle this stuff without a problem. It's heaven.
- My eczema cleared up thanks to my crazy hormones.
- More cute baby clothes.
- Imagining what Drew will look like holding our baby and listening to him talk about all the father-son stuff he will do with him.
- Shopping for baby stuff.
The not so good:
- Pelvic pain - according to my doc, it's just my ligaments stretching, but holy mother of God, it hurts.
- Granny panties
- Stretch marks. Not that I ever would wear a bikini, but still.
- Trying to turn in bed at night - it's a production.
- Trying to get informed about what's good for baby and what isn't, and at the same time tuning it all out and making up my own mind.
- Assembling baby equipment.
- Feeling completely useless because I get tired after doing a load of laundry.
So, the not so good list is really not that long and those are all minor complaints. And Drew's been awesome about doing pretty much everything around the house and hoisting me up when I want to turn or get up at night. I know it sounds stupid, but it really helps.
Eight weeks to go - if all goes well - and I can't decide whether that's a lifetime away, or whether that feels like tomorrow.